What would happen to the housing market if Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election? Well in this video I break down a few things that Joe Biden would do if he were to win the 2020 presidential election. Now I recently made a video talking about what happens to the housing market during presidential elections. You can find that video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BscbOjM9gY&t=209s. But in this video I am going to break down what a housing market will look like under a Joe Biden presidency. I am going to break down how Joe Biden's tax plan will influence real estate prices, real estate taxes, and what will happen to those who inherit your home eventually and what that will look like. 0:00 Intro 1:39 My 3-6 month prediction 2:35 Presidential influence on the housing market 3:15 Tax policies that will influence the housing market 4:00 The two major things that will effect real estate investors 6:40 The importance understanding Joe Biden's tax policies for investors 7:50 The truth about real estate investing under Joe Biden So I know that I have been talking about a housing market crash in all of these videos I have been producing lately. Well, I still feel like this will happen BUT there is a difference between a Donald Trump Presidency and a Joe Biden Presidency during the housing market crash in 2021. BUT remember the President does NOT have as much influence over the housing market as many believe. And even if the President uses his executive powers to implement something in the housing market, it would still take a significant amount of time to see the effects of it, in the housing market. With that being said, there is ONE major thing that will influence the housing market, indefinitely, and that is tax policies of both candidates. As far as Joe Biden's tax policies, you will not likely see a huge change for people who are non-investors, BUT the one's who will be effected the most are the real estate investors. The first of those policies is the reversal of the step-up and that will effect the capital gains tax.....significantly. Currently the capital gains tax is maxed out at 25%. 😃 Thanks for Subscribing & Liking our Video! 📧 ⌨️ FREE 7 Day Trial To PropStream Real Estate Investing Software: http://reisoftware.thekwakbrothers.com 📊 How to Pay Off Your Mortgage In 5-7 Years (On Average): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGVn9iq1e6c 💻 JOIN OUR FREE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR LANDLORDS & PASSIVE INCOME: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestreigroup 📡 PROTECT YOUR ONLINE DATA AND ACTIVITY WHILE CLOSING DEALS AND GENERATING NEW LEADS WITH NORDVPN: https://go.nordvpn.net/aff_c?offer_id=15&aff_id=40858 🔊 Our Podcast Channels: 📻First Deal Experience: 🔹Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7pnHJSNl7vPVFzq69IzC6B 🔹iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/first-deal-experience/id1282240923 📻Property Management Automated: 🔹Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1LTAeRg2ZAT1ATI1mdtWM0 🔹iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/landlording-automated-podcast/id1504548975 GET SOCIAL WITH US: 📣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekwakbrothers/ 📣Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekwakbrothers/ 📧 Hire the Kwak Brothers to Speak: info@thekwakbrothers.com #realestateinvesting #thekwakbrothers #realestate ======================== ---DISCLAIMER--- The suggestions, advice, and/or opinions that are given by Sam Kwak (The Kwak Brothers) are simply opinions. There are no guarantees of set outcomes. Listeners, guests, and attendees are advised to always consult with attorneys, accountants, and other licensed professionals when doing a real estate investment transaction. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to hold Sam Kwak, Novo Elite, Inc. and the Kwak Brothers brand harmless from any liabilities and claims. Not all deals will guarantee any profit or benefits. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to view and listen to all materials and contents furnished by the Kwak Brothers as a perspective based upon experience.